Saturday, July 19, 2008

Grey's Anatomy tidbits and Katherine Heigl making nice - because why KILL her on tv?!?

When Grey's Anatomy returns, it seems Callie & Dr. Hahn will deal with some awkwardness between each other because of the KISS : Brooke Smith says there is ICE!
Plus Callie may be pregnant. I'm thinking Katherine Heigl will stick around because she has an emmy and is making $100,000 an episode! Movies are not a sure thing so I think she'd be wise to stay put and make movies in the summer until the show is finished. I can't see the show going more than maybe another 5 years tops! She'll be in her mid 30s and everything will be fine for her!

I really don't care much for CSI and who takes over for William Peterson but I did think the entire Liev Schreiber arc was cool.

I'm dying for LOST to get back which won't be until forever ...also DEXTER which will be back sooner!

Televisions START your engines!!

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